Hi Sasan,
I am using Celeris for my thesis and I would like to know, is it possible to enter the spectrum through the cml file?, and what is the spectrum they use? Jonswap?, if you can provide me some direction on how to create the file irrWaves.txt for the input i would appreciate it.
Did you follow the 10 steps given above? Please let me know how you fail, so I can help.
I failed when tried to use the spectrum wave maker in Celeris, but finally I found a way to quickly make the irregular wave input file!
Thanks a lot Sasan!
Chen, Celeris adds (superimposes) all those waves up.
A follow up questions:
When reading the file, does Celeris randomly pick one of those wave input, or add all those waves up?
(To make the wave input fit a spectrum, shall I consider the frequency/energy distribution to make the bunch of waves into a spectrum wave?)
Thanks a lot!
Hi José,
Thanks for your interest in Celeris. If you open irrWaves.txt you'll see that in contains bunch of sinewaves. The path to this file must be set in the cml file. Then, Celeris reads this file and superimposes these sinewaves on the boundary. For example a file like this
[NumberOfWaves] 2
0.04 2 0.785 0.0
0.04 2 2.355 0.0
contains two sinewaves. Parameters for each sinewave is given on each line in this format:
Amplitude Period Theta Phase
Note the space between parameters. Amplitude is in meters, Period in seconds, Theta and Phase in radians. You can generate this file with a MATLAB script for example. You can also generate it with Celeris. To do this:
1- Open Celeris, and then the cml file within software to start the simulation.
2- Go to the BOUNDARY tab.
3- Select the boundary side (west, east, etc).
4- Select IrregularWaves for the boundary type.
5- set width num = 2.
6- Checkmark "Spectrum Wavemaker".
7- Enter the parameters: Significant wave height (m), Period (s), Mean direction (DEGREES), Depth at source (m). The last parameters is the average still water depth at the boundary.
8- Click "SET".
10- You must see the waves coming from the boundary. If you not, make sure all the parameters are given correctly, especially the direction, which is measured in degrees with respect to the x axis.
This will generate a irregular input file and save it next to your cml file (i.e., in the same folder). The file will be named something like "2018-5-14 18-31-48-IrrWest.txt". Your simulation now reads this file internally. In order to use this file as an input in your cml, you need to give the path to it. There are several examples that you can use in this regard.
Good luck and thanks for asking this question.