Hi All-
I have put together a series of scripts that can be used to create the necessary inputs files for Celeris (cml and cbf files) in an automated fashion. The package inlcudes:
worldmap_windwave.m - will generate Celeris input files for windwave problems. User should change the wave inputs (lines 76-86) for the desired conditions. There are a large number of "choices" already generated in the script, where the choice value corresponds to a specific location. For each of these "choices", the user can change the grid resolution (dx_target), Manning's n, and mean wave direction (theta). When prompted, enter a "choice" value, and a simulation for that location will run. Requires world_image.mat, merc_projection.m, write_bathy.m, create_cml.m, spectrum_2D.m, and the "bathy_DB" database directory.
worldmap_tsunami.m - will generate Celeris input files for tsunami (boundary time sieres input) problems. User should change the wave inputs (lines 76-93) for the desired conditions. There are a large number of "choices" already generated in the script, where the choice value corresponds to a specific location. When prompted, enter a "choice" value, and a simulation for that location will run. Requires world_image.mat, merc_projection.m, write_bathy.m, create_cml.m, tsunami_input.m, and the "bathy_DB" database directory.
Not commented all that well, but useful I think for creating new configurations if you are willing to see what is going on inside the scripts. If you dont want to do that, then it is an easy way to spin up already configured simulations.
Links: Matlab files: http://coastal.usc.edu/Celeris/matlab_launch.zip
bathy_DB database: http://coastal.usc.edu/Celeris/bathy_DB.zip
Note that version 1.2 of Celeris is included in the matlab_launch.zip above
Many Thanks!