You can download a few ready-to-go examples in this archive:
The archive includes a CELERIS directory (containing the Celeris exe and required files, v 1.2.3), and five examples directories: \Hania, \Miami, \Newport, \NewRiver, and \Ventura.
To run these examples, double click on the "Celeris.exe" in the \CELERIS directory, and when the "Open Input File" box appears, navigate to one of the five example directories, and open the "matlab_launch.cml" file. That is it - the example should then run. See Sasan's tutorial post if Celeris complains about not having the needed library files.
There are images of what each example should look like below.
\Hania - this is a simulation of Hs=3m, Tp=15s waves in the small harbor of Hania on the island of Crete.

\Miami- this is a simulation of Hs=3m, Tp=15s waves along the coastline near Miami, Florida.

\Newport- this is a simulation of Hs=3m, Tp=15s waves approaching the jetties at Newport, Oregon.

\NewRiver- this is a simulation of Hs=3m, Tp=15s waves approacing New River Inlet in North Carolina.

\Hania - this is a simulation of Hs=3m, Tp=15s waves near and in the harbor in Ventura, California.

Celeriac is the web site that is established for solving and detail discussing the matters of the regarding stuff. The post that is available here is full of command and rushessay with the priority level examples that are maintained.