Hallo everybody
I set theese initial conditions as "Settings for Boundaries" in the .cml file:
<westBoundary type = "Sponge" seaLevel = 0 widthNum = 1></westBoundary>
<southBoundary type = "Sponge" seaLevel = 0 widthNum = 1></southBoundary>
In the menu "Boundary" of the guy I set a Sinewave condition at North boundary side:
Width Num =20
B. sea level=0
Wave amplitude=1
Wave period=5.8
Wave direction=-135
When the softwares starts, the direction of the wave under the boundary is different from the direction of input, as showns in the following image:

I tried different directions of input in the guy, and the problem doesn't exist only for angles in the range of 20°, between -90° and -110°
Someone can help me?
Thanks for the answer, I tried in every also with widthNum=2 but the problem still remains
I think widthNum should always be 2 for a sinewave. Try that and see if helps?