Hi Sasan, thank you for providing this platform for discussion. :)
I have been working with Celeris but haven't managed to enhance the braking visualisation as it is seen on the USC forecast. I tried to use the graphics settings inputs from the .cml file used on the forecast in my own .cml files, but it just seems to change the colourmap. Also, I noticed that the version of Celeris used for the forecast is 1.3.2, whereas the one I downloaded from this website is 1.3.0. Is the breaking visualisation enhanced on the latest version?
On your github.com page, I saw that there are files available for compilation to create the application, are those the input programs used by the USC forecast?
Dear Sasan,
I tried adding this line to the CML file, but it didn't work. I added it on the graphics section, just below the grid visibility, following the scheme from the GUI. Where should it be placed to work?
Kind regards,
Hi Lorena,
Thank you for bringing this into our attention. You can now download v1.3.1 by sending a download request on celeria.org/download. You can change the wave breaking visualization from the cml file in v1.3.1. Please use the following element in the cml file:
<dissipationIntensity show = true threshold = 0.25 decay = 0.1></dissipationIntensity>
These are the default values. The parameters "threshold" and "decay" control the breaking visualization.